Monday, March 5, 2018

WEEK 18: HEY Y'ALL. another week.. with CRAZY stories.. This place is interesting.

I have been really needing this week and the experiences that we had.

We just keep on finding and this week we walked and walked and walked.. 40 miles on our feet.  Our bodies are DESTROYED.   The work keeps going forward and and Lord just keeps providing us with great opportunities. 

Something this week that was really hard...people don't treat you like a normal person.  They see your badge, cuss you out and then tell us we are crazy for what we are believing.   Someone through a drink at us this week while we were walking, not cool!!!!!  No matter what things people do or say, my testimony of the gospel has become so strong that nothing could get me to stop what I'm doing, or get me down.   I'm so beyond grateful for the Savior. He made it possible so that we didn't have to hold on to anger, sorrow, and sadness. He can take anything away from us that may be hard for us. He is the way to have Peace, Joy and Happiness. 

Like I said, we walked a lot this week on our feet and have been exhausted but its so rewarding when you find someone that you just know that the Lord has prepared just for you and your Comp.  So many good times.  Even though a mission is hard physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally it's all worth it because you are working hard and the blessings come upon you. The Lord has been watching over my family back home and I can't help but know that he is doing that because i'm working hard. I love my family and i know that they are being watched over. It makes me want to work harder every day.

We ran into a guy named Jared this week. He is tattooed head to toe and the biggest teddy bear person i have ever met.   He loves the member's of the LDS church and we are going to be teaching him 2 times a week along with his mom, step brother and best friend and his best friends girlfriend. A miracle story with how we found everyone. So much potential and i cant wait to tell you all about their progress.  We read with them the Book of Mormon, they have had contact with missionaries before and really like Sister Rudolph and I.   We are hoping that as we teach the restoration this will be an amazing experience for everyone. The spirit was so strong as we were testifying of the Book of Mormon and how true it is. 

I would like to end this email with a conference talk 
"Tomorrow the Lord will wonders among you"

As you desire of me so it shall be done unto you,” the Lord has declared.
“… Put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously. …
“… [Then] whatsoever you desire of me [in] righteousness, … you shall receive.8
My brothers and sisters, the first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—that’s the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength. That love is the foundation stone of eternity, and it should be the foundation stone of our daily life. Indeed it is only with that reassurance burning in our soul that we can have the confidence to keep trying to improve, keep seeking forgiveness for our sins, and keep extending that grace to our neighbor. 

President George Q. Cannon once taught: “No matter how serious the trial, how deep the distress, how great the affliction, [God] will never desert us. He never has, and He never will. He cannot do it. It is not His character [to do so]. … He will [always] stand by us. We may pass through the fiery furnace;we may pass through deep waters; but we shall not be consumed nor overwhelmed. We shall emerge from all these trials and difficulties the better and purer for them.”

I love you all an i know that we are loved, never alone and that we are always able to become someone as the Savior sees us. 
LOVE Sister Gilmour

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WEEK 37: All the days mix together.

WOW this week has been crazy and i probably wont be able to tell you a single thing of what happened. All the days mix together. SCOTT g...