Saturday, November 4, 2017

WEEK1 : NEW is good, LIFE is good - MTC Life

Hello Everyone! 

First day of being in the MTC was insane but really good.  They definitely know how to keep you busy.  Day 1, I ran into a great friend and neighbor helping me feel right at home and relaxed after saying goodbye to my family which was really hard.  

I've already had so many tender mercies which is helping me settle right in.

My P-Day, preparation day while in the MTC in Provo is Saturday.

I have a great companion Sister Mallory.  She's 19 and from Midway, UT:).  There are two other sisters in my district Sister Brown and Sister Josie, they all feel like my little sisters.  I'm one of two 21yr olds in our group:). We have 2-18 yr olds, 1-19, and 1-20 yr old.   They refer to me as the mother because they think I take care of them all, too funny!

My district already has a family like feel, its crazy how you can only know people for 4 days and already be so close. We are always laughing because the Elders are something else.  They are great Elders and we are working hard for sure but also playing hard and having lots of fun. 

The Spirit here is UNREAL and I'm grateful to get the opportunity to be a part of Gods army.  It also feels great that he trusts us with his children around the world.  The members of my district are all going to different parts of the South - US.  I have an Elder from my mission area, from Oklahoma and he will be trying to contact some of his family while I'm there. The Lord knows what he is doing.   I"m so excited to be here in the MTC building lots of new friendships and finding my Purpose as a missionary....more to come on that over the next 18 months.

I'll tell you what, the food here is hurting my stomach so i might need something sent to help with it, please:).

The second day was amazing probably my favorite so far. We got to meet President Samualian and his councilors.  It's been a tender mercy for sure to have these amazing examples in our lives while being here in the MTC.  I've seen lots of faces I recognize.   I'm in Brother and Sister Hoggan's branch, they are from my home stake, American Fork, Utah, Hillcrest Stake.  They are amazing and I'm grateful to get to see them while being here is the MTC. I LOVE EVERYONE!!!
Temple day was this morning, Saturday and I got lots of pictures.  The spirit is always strong and I love feeling happy all the time.   I've been teaching an investigator here in the MTC.  I'm amazed at how the spirit just guides the discussion.  It feels amazing. I've had lots of experiences where I walk away from a lesson or testimony and I ask my self "WHAT JUST HAPPENED", it's the best feeling ever. 

I ran into sister Beth Winters-Jackson, (one of Chloe's missionary companions in Stuttgart, who is from here; and her husband in the temple.  I also ran into Ryan Andrus's Family at the temple too and I just love them.  We had a really cool discussion with their nephew who goes into the MTC next week.

I don't know if you can tell but I'm happy all the time.  I pray for you guys every night and so does our District. 

Never a dull moment!!

I LOVE the Spirit, it's so strong here and I love it so much. 
Love Sister Gilmour

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WEEK 37: All the days mix together.

WOW this week has been crazy and i probably wont be able to tell you a single thing of what happened. All the days mix together. SCOTT g...