Monday, March 19, 2018

WEEK 20: Chickens are ferocious :)

Hey everyone.. yes another weekly email because sometimes my weeks feel like forever. But this week was great and had lots of lessons and miracles happen. 

We have been teaching the Plan of Salvation to a lot of families and we are so happy we have families, because we are trying to get our little branch to grow out here. We have seen many miracles and are finding new people to teach daily. The plan of Salvation is my favorite lesson to teach because we get to talk about forever families and to help people understand you get to be with your family forever, beyond this life on earth through the proper priesthood authority and temple marriage.  It's an amazing gift and message we as missionaries get to teach. I LOVE IT!!!

I've been doing hair and teaching people. Mike and Jeannine and there 2 boys.  As I cut all of there hair the other day we taught them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ" invited them to church and we will be watching general conference with them here in a few days.  I'm so excited to hear from our new prophet. 

This week we went to Bronson, Kansas where some of our less actives live, along with some investigators. We went and saw Paula who we are teaching every Friday. Paula is the most loving person I've ever met, she gives to those all around her and makes soap.. she gave me like 6 bars for free.. I never have gotten so many free things in my life from people. On your mission you just get given things and that's a blessing because I'm sure they think we need things. But Paula has a farm and we got to hold the baby chicks, and baby ducks.. also go to love the baby goats. I'm loving all these farm animals.  We also got to teach more about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, another Testament of Jesus Christ-with the Bible, the gospel is so much clearer.  I love talking about that too.

I was standing by the chicken coop and got chased down by the male chickens and went running across the farm. Sister Rudolph probably thinks I'm crazy.. But I was afraid for my life. I was screaming and I'm sure looking stupid while running and flapping my arms everywhere. This mission is worth it though. 

I love you all. Another eventful week with crazy experiences and memories I'll never forget. 

Have a good week everyone and remember to serve others. 
Love Sister Gilmour 

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