Tuesday, May 22, 2018

WEEK 29: It's been an eventful week and also a very spiritual week too

This email might be short, it's been an eventful week and also a very spiritual week too. 

Funny story.. kind of ..

We had zone Conference this week and i received a lot of person revelation of taking every foot step with faith. I'm finding that a mission is not at all what i expected but the people i get to help and those i get to bring light into there lives makes it all worth it.  

Zone conference was good. I got to see my passed companions from Nixa, Mo and it was awesome. We slept at the sisters Apartment in Joplin and had pumpkin pancakes. YUMMY. We then got done and the next day i started feeling a little sick and then THE BOMB HIT ME! Oh My Gosh i got food poisoning and that was rough. I'm not gonna say how many times i had my insides come up cause that's personal :).. but it took 78 hours to get feeling better and 10 pounds lighter to feel a little more myself.  We then found out that 23 missionaries got sick which is 23/30 people that didn't eat what we all ate. i don't wish that on anyone.. not even my worst enemy. It was a rough night.

I woke up the next morning around 10 because i had been up all night and asked a member in the ward if he could give me a blessing. I went to the church and had brother Gillette give me a blessing of healing and comfort. I cant begin to explain this feeling i felt as he laid his hand on my head. The priesthood is something i know is coming directly given from God, And a gift that is very important to me. At that moment my stomach stopped hurting and my pain went from a 9 to a 6 and i was told that told that My entire body may be healed inside and out and that every inch may be watched over and protected over the next 10 months. I prayed that it would leave me as fast as it came into my body. I'm so Grateful for the power of the Priesthood and for those that live worthily to have it. I also am really thankful for the atonement because it makes up all the difference when we mess up and i know that nobody is perfect but we must try our best to become better than we were yesterday and look to the future and plan to change.

*This week we took an investigator to go see a baptism in Joplin, he was planning on being baptized on June 23 but after he wanted to move it up by a week and he is so excited and ready to have this happen now on the 15th which is a Friday in June! I've been with this gt person for 3 transfers now and to see where he is now to where is was is incredible and he has such a strong desire to become better and to be ready because he knows this church is true. 

*We Also have Becky who is Being Baptized on the 9th of June and I'm excited to see her make this next step. She's been through so much and has overcome the world but like everyone we all have problems and she is someone i admire because she's chosen to over come and be better daily. She loves the church. On Sunday at church the bishop came up to her and she said to him. " hey, im Becky and i'm joining your church and being baptized on the 9th of June" Shes excited and ready and has been prepared for us. I met her in Walmart 4 weeks ago and she is like an older sister, we are really close but it helps that she has a friend who is a member in our congregation and is helping her take this amazing step towards happiness and strengthening her relationship with God and the Savior. 

We will be at the Kansas City temple on June 13th and i'm excited, it's been way to long since I've been and i miss it.  Back home id go 1-2 times a week and that strengthened me so much. Helped me see my divine potential. 

My invite to those that read this is to go to the temple every other week.. by yourself, or with your spouse or with your children. Make it a part of your life and i know that blessings will come as our prophet and God has promised.  Make it apart of your every day. 


Love Sister Gilmour

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WEEK 37: All the days mix together.

WOW this week has been crazy and i probably wont be able to tell you a single thing of what happened. All the days mix together. SCOTT g...