Monday, June 25, 2018

WEEK 34: I think this week I may have had way too much fun........

PREP DAY NATURE WALK:  We decided to go to Joplin to spend time with Sister Tillotson on her last preparation day before leaving the mission and heading home to Utah.   

We went on a nature walk at a Wild life cat park with a bunch of hiking and walking trails.. As we get out and leave the car we see these dark clouds rolling in and we all look at each other and think  " Ah we will be fine, let's keep going".   As we continue on, the temp dropped and a cool breeze came in. It just starts to POUR down Big Drops of rain and we got so wet and just played in the rain and laughed and ruined our clothes with dirt.  We all made flower crowns out of wild flowers and just spent lots of time with each other. I miss her but I'll see all these close friends I've made here in the mission when i get home. I love the Rain! 

Bridge experience in sketchy El Darado: 

THIS WAS THE CREEPIEST EXPERIENCE! We went to a little town that has high crime and brought one of our investigators Allie with us to teach another Investigator. We watched a movie about the godhead.. (yes it was Approved everyone).   We also made pizza and talked a lot about the Book of Mormon as Allie has been asking questions about the Church lately. We got done with our evening and had to head home.. El Dorado is a creepy and bad place and we have to be careful there due to the KKK.. I took a wrong turn and ended up getting lost in the Pitch dark and was freaking out inside.. i said a silent prayer to please protect us. We headed down this road and something felt off.   I saw this old wooden bridge and started to drive a crossed it. i hear the Spirit immediately  warm me of danger. Something was on the other side of that bridge waiting for us. Allie is yelling " GET OFF THE BRIDGE" i know where we are and something bad has happened here. I throw the car in Reverse and start backing up. Now i haven't felt this kind of warning from the Spirit in a while but it made me so sick i almost threw up. I am very sensitive with energy and listening to the Prompting of the Spirit. I am grateful for that silent prayer being heard and for the guidance of the still small voice this week, especially being in this area of my mission. lots of crazy things happen. It's like serving in a 3rd world country. Very humbling

This is a humbling place:  As i come up on serving my 9 months. I have only been in the outside small towns with lots of poverty, and drugs and homeless people. Living situations are different than the way i was brought up and my heart just breaks to see how even in the states we even have poverty. I have seen broken families, children starving and many other things i wish others to not experience. My experience these passed few months have been life changing and i know that my personality is able to change lives out here in the Boonies and we are seeing it happen here in my area. I love the country and those i have surrounding me in my life here. Also my amazing family back home that have helped me become who i am today. I'm blessed and i thank Heavenly Father for the family and the life and talents i have. Without him, His work would not got forward. You need Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the Spirit to be your constant Guiding, comfort, Healing, Companion in our lives.

Ward Ice Cream Social/ skate park/ walk with Tina and Kaden, crystal, kallie:

I LOVE THIS FAMILY. We had 14 investigators come to the ward ice cream social this week. Out of the 38 we invited, 14 came.  We walked a few home and also picked up more people as we walked 4 miles that night. We played at the skate park in our dresses and Sister Anderson and i are now Experts at riding the Ramps. We took pictures and taught a lesson and just enjoyed the evening with Tina and her grand kids, and daughter. We also walked Jim home and he was telling us how he knows this church is true.. WE SET ANOTHER baptism date for Jim. Walks in the Country are my favorite, while the sun in going down. They sunsets here run forever and never end.. cause everything is flat.
Physc ward ROUND 2! This is always an experience.. but we help everyone we can and this evening was where the lord wanted us to be. We have been here before and had a fun experience with the people inside.. i was a little scared to go back. All you can do it love those around you.

HAY BALE TAG: AHHHHHHHHHHH this was so fun.. You know i've become a country girl when im running around on Hay bales and screaming, playing tag. My companion always makes fun of me for being a City girl.. im trying to be country.. But the city is just who i am, who am i kidding. I went to go make a big jump and my skirt got caught and i Body Slammed the Hay bale and i got the wind knocked out of me. I just laid there while everyone just laughed so hard. Its always a good time with me... i just goof around and love to have fun. Don't worry i'm working hard everyday and i also play too. Gotta enjoy these months that i have. TIME IS FLYING, half way now.

Going to the temple with Becky on the 7th of July 
WE are going to do baptisms with Becky who just got baptized June 9th. It will be her first time and i'm happy i get to be here for this time in her life. She is radiating with Light and happiness because of the Gospel.

3 Baptism dates set for JULY! 
July is going to be crazy. We have Becky's temple trip on the 7th of July, then July 14th we have Scott's Baptism, On July 21st we have jims baptism, And July 29th we have Benjamin's Baptism. We are starting to plan for August and are praying daily for miracle and for the help of the Savior to lead and guide our every step. To soften the Hearts and to Prepare and Help us change lives around us. We will be setting a date with Tina, Kaden, crystal,Katie for August as they call have talked to us about getting baptized. We are thinking to do the First week in august to keep the work going forward. 

AMAZING THINGS are happening here. I'm so happy to have a companion who loves to just work work work.. an Idaho girls who knows whats up but we also have so much fun.  Sister Anderson has learned how to have fun with me but balance it with hard work and finding. She's grown so much and it will be amazing to see what we can accomplish in the next  6 weeks together.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!! have and amazing week 
LOVE- Sister B Gilmour xoxo❤❤

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WEEK 37: All the days mix together.

WOW this week has been crazy and i probably wont be able to tell you a single thing of what happened. All the days mix together. SCOTT g...